Dr. Wood, Kevin Mueller and Rod Westfall

The Plainfield Foundation for Excellence, on behalf of the Niehus Family, is honored to present the Walter G. and Juanita F. Niehus Award to a worthy District 202 employee.

This prestigious honor has been given since 1986 in the name of Walter and Juanita Niehus. Mr. Niehus was a long-time superintendent of the Plainfield School District, and Mrs. Niehus was a well-respected District 202 teacher.

All District 202 employees (certified, non-certified, support and administration) are eligible to receive the Niehus Award. Foundation for Excellence trustees choose the Niehus winner on behalf of the Niehus family.

Please fill out the nomination form and include details about what makes this District 202 employee a candidate for the award.

Nominations are due by April 18, 2025.

Mr. and Mrs. Niehus exhibited unselfish and exemplary commitment to the students, parents, and employees of the Plainfield School District.

We are happy and proud to say that the Niehus’ example of excellence is alive and well today. Inspired District 202 employees continue to open doors for District 202 students and residents to better, more fulfilling lives as contributing citizens.

District 202 employees demonstrate by both example and spirit that one can truly make a difference in the world through patience, dedication, hard work, commitment, innovation, teamwork and caring. This is the work and the legacy of a hero, a leader in every sense of the word.

The Foundation for Excellence, on behalf of the Niehus family, will formally announce the 2025 Niehus Award recipient at a May or June 2025 Board of Education meeting. The Niehus Award recipient will also receive a modest honorarium of $100 at this ceremony.

Past winners cannot be nominated again.